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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Belated Dragon Boat Festival

Happy Belated Dragon Boat Festival to all my Friends ! It's already past 12 so today is Thursday. Yesterday me and my mom was busying wrapping dumplings. I help my mom to chop the garlic and onions where onions is not a good thing to chop because your eyes will feel pain. Before wrapping the dumplings alot of thing need to prepare such as bamboo leaves, dried shrimps, chestnuts, Beans which I don't know what it call, Cooked meat and mushroom with alot of chopped onion and garlic and five spices last but not least Half cooked Glutinous rice with five spices. The Fun part is wrapping my own meat dumplings, this is my second experience wrapping meat dumplings.Look at the picture below looks nice and a success I can say. Meat Dumplings is best to steam using a pressure cooker and steam for 45 minutes till 1 hours depends on the Glutinous rice.

Main Ingredients

Cooked Meat and Mushroom

Dried Shrimps, Chestnuts and Beans

Glutinous Rice

Dumplings without bamboo leaves don't call a dumplings.

Bamboo Leaves

Meat Dumpling That I Wrap

After Steam ( Cooked )

I will show you the content inside when I open it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Plain and Boring Day

I watched Devil May Cry episode 1 yesterday, didn't know the story was that nice. For your information Devil May Cry is an anime, that based on the game. I downloading 极道学园 in english is Goku Dou Highschool ( if i not mistaken ) which is a Taiwan drama that talks about a book which is believe that is a dark magician book which contains alot of demons that if the person with the power to summon it and have the power to control over the demons and obtain a new power. The demon eventually will be slay by a some sort of demon slayer if not mistaken. I'll post the synopsis here, the synopsis only available in Chinese so I post the Chinese one here. I also posted a part of the actor and actress here.

( Click The Picture To Enlarge )

 黑武中學裡流傳著一項傳說:『巫術之書《格利莫里》已被邪鬼取得,用來召喚地獄的魔鬼,邪惡的勢力將會吞噬全人類,唯一能與之對抗的,就是傳說中的夜行者──火狼。』 火狼,一名冷酷無情的驅魔特警,得知邪鬼已入侵黑武中學後,火狼也悄然來到。而此刻,在校園裡,一連串網路恐怖小說的詛咒竟然一一成真,令人不寒而慄。據說小說作者『原田夜舞』正是黑武中學的學生,難道,一切與邪鬼的黑暗勢力有關?黑武中學就此籠罩在詛咒的烏雲之下,直到,帥氣的新教師『鷹眼』出現……  原來,鷹眼的雙親一年前離奇死亡,且過程竟與『原田夜舞』網路連載的恐怖小說完全吻合,於是鷹眼化身老師來到黑武中學臥底,誓言找出兇手。『原田夜舞』的真實身分正是黑武中學First Class的資優生,元神武。神的外在,是個有如天使般的男孩,幾乎是個完美的人類,但沒人知道,他無比孤獨的內在,是個充滿魔性的怪物。神祕的日籍轉學生『DEAN』有著謎樣的身世背景,不但頻頻躲過『原田夜舞』致命攻擊,加上神、DEAN與X班同學一毛的曖昧三角關係,嫉妒的惡火已熊熊燃起。  就這樣,新學期不平靜地開始了,鷹眼和神展開暗中對決,邪鬼也在虎視眈眈,一場正邪、明暗之間的戰爭已在所難免,單純的中學校園就要成為《格利莫里》72隻魔鬼重現的舞台,這場充滿著浪漫愛情、歡笑驚奇的魔幻之旅,也正式宣告展開………

Just can't wait the show to finish download.

Today, around 1pm I was watching Madagascar suddenly I receive a call from a certain station which I can't really sure which because the operator line was like kinda blur. They start with a handphone survey just 2 simple question and after I finish the survey, I were told to be invited to a certain show as a guest. She gave me the tickets number but the information was too blur and of course who know if it's a prank or what, so I told them that I might not attend and she asked me to watch NTV7 on Thursday at 6:30pm. As I know 6:30 pm NTV7 should be broadcasting News. Well it might sounds cool if this really happen, let's thinks that I not missing anything cool or good but I don't really care by now just see what happen on thursday then. Been studying KPP undang thingie and I think I will do the test on Friday or on Thursday I don't know let's see what happen next la then. Ciaoz

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Nikki ( Nico ) is so cutee !!

Recently I saw this girl at TVBS The Pricing War in mandarin 天天大精彩. I think she's cute i mean so cute !! XD. I'll post her picture here. Enjoy =) Comment if you want.
What you think ?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm Tagged

Name : Joey Fung Wai Lunn
Birth Date : 08/11/1989
Current Status : Single
Eye Colour : Dark brown
Hair Colour : Black
Right or left : Right

My Heritage : being short sighted
My Fears : cockroaches =X
My weaknesses : unable to explain things clearly.
My Perfect Pizza : Hand Tossed

My thoughts first waking up : Bed time over
My bedtime : Midnight
My most missed memory: The standard 6 era.

How simple it was.LAYER 4 : MY PICK
Pepsi or coke : pepsi
Single or group dates : single
Adidas or Nike : Adidas
Tea or Nestea : Both
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee : Both I say.

Smoke : no
Curse : I do Curse but not as much as wei jie i guess
Take a shower : Yes
Have a crush : Guess so
Think you've been in love : nope
Go to school : no
Want to get married : not now.
Believe in yourself : not really
Think you're a health freak : 50 50 ?

Drank alcohol : Yeap
Gone to the mall : Yeap
Been on stage : Yes. Performing Indian Dance
Eaten sushi : Yeap.
Dyed your hair : Nope

Played a stripping game : No.
Changed who you were to fit in : Nope

To be married : Yeah.

Best eye colour : doesn't matter as long as its not white in colour.
Best hair colour : Blonde.
Short hair or long hair : Long Hair.

A minute ago : Eating Mamee.
Hour ago : Taking Bath.
1 day ago : Helping Ee Woon with her assignment
1 month ago : Busying with test and exam.
Year ago : Slowly improving myself at Account and Addmaths

I love : My Family, Friends and Money
I feel : Kinda bored during holidays.
I hate : Mr. Jayan
I hide : something from someone
I miss : My Friends
I need : Tons of cash.

Wei Ping

Monday, June 11, 2007

Especially for you BB

Haha Awww ~ So CUTE !!!! Whatever ~ We found your 1st hand Whatever BB =). By the way, the way you copy don't express the cuteness of the word and action. Don't ever copy a Baby lor BB hehhehehe !! XD

Found this video after the baby. This video take place at KL dance festival 07. The performing group is called 7 Sparkz and I found it very nice so I post here to share with my friends.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Holiday !!!

I Pass both papers !! Wee !! Such a relief ! Thought of failing Paper 2 who knows I manage to get a 68 marks, 76 Marks for my paper 1. Wasn't too bad I guess, that's my standard =). Been kinda like study for 3 days but that 3 days make no difference. Nothing goes in my brain and nothing comes out from my brain when I do my Exam . Am I wasting time doing nothing or what ? Holiday start now and I have to study for my driving license =). Sad case can't settle it earlier cause too many things to do. Well So blank for today, glad that I pass and God Bless Amituofo ~ XD

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Revision Week

I didn't blog for 3 days because I was too tired to blog. Internet kind of slow and have problem loading web pages. Last Sunday, Kian Guan text message me to ask if I'm able to meet him at Pyramid cause he went to Pyramid on that day. I just simply go there and walk around with him for like 2 to 3 hours. After that he and his friend went for skating and I couldn't join them because I have to go cause it's kinda late, so i go back home and watch TV ! Nothing much on that day thought, just plain and simple day.

Last Monday, another free day for me. I bought my FF12 DVD quite some time already and I only played for 14 hrs in my record. I continued play for another 2 hrs and I think I will continue after my exam End. Yesterday, Malaysian Studies and CBE demo class. I took Brands Chicken Essence to boost myself so I won't feel that tired when I go to college. Quite effective I can say but my thought told me that is that a real Chicken Essence or contain caffeine. Who knows. After Demo, I went to Pyramid with Anthony to buy something. Wanted to buy Ragnarok Online 2 Cd at Animetech but out of stock. Sad case ~ anyway we went to Giant to bought something to eat. Back home, he transfer RO Private server to my computer using EHD. We been facing problem to connect the EHD to my computer. Transfer rate is slow, and took us for like 45 minutes. What to do ? I'm not using high end system, but then gonna upgrade it real soon. 1st time seeing people eat a 90gram cadbury in 1-2 minutes and he told me that he eat 3 pax a day after NS. OMG eating so much of these gonna get diabetis. Ughh keep cadbury away from me, not my style eating cadbury chocolate. I like White Chocolates =) Yummy ~!!

Time to do revision today, going to do DEMO question and revise Paper 1 for today. I will not stop my routine for shutting down my computer or disconnecting the internet. Till Now Ciaoz.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Agong Birthday

June 1st Agong Birthday but class still on even it's Saturday ! This morning went to Medan with my dad as he send me to college. As usual Mr Jayan late for 40+ minutes and when he reach to college, he then realise today was a public holiday. Before he reach college, we were given a set of paper to do. At first my concerntration were there but after he come in, I can't concerntrate at all because he keep on talking rubbish and nonsense. Chee Jong late for like 40+ minutes too if I didn't call him I think he won't come to college. The worst thing is Cafeteria is closed, none of them working today !! I want ROTI CANAI !! addicted to it. Well no break in the middle till 12.30 PM. Once again, me, Kenny and Chee Jong went to Medan to have our Lunch. Both me and Kenny have Claypot Dried Yee Mee and for Chee Jong he have Wan Tan Mee. The problem is we finish our claypot already but Chee Jong's order haven't serve him yet so he decided to take it himself.

After Lunch break, there's only few of us inside the classroom and when Mr Jayan come in; he just can't stop giving answer to us eventhough there's only 6 of us inside the class. Not long after he gave us the answer a whole bunch of them coming in together. I lost all my concerntration after the lunch break and got very confuse with what Mr Jayan had teach and explain to us. He actually asked Wei Ping and Kenny to answer the question. Everything went so blank and blur when he ask me to answer his BANK RECONCILATION question because I haven't finish it yet he giving all the answer. Actually I have the mood to do the question but seems like all the thing make my mood change and kinda headache to see those question paper. After class back home finally I can rest myself. I can play till late ngiht and wake up late tomorrow because tomorrow is Sunday.

Yesterday, my bro actually downloaded Bleach Saien Concert. Nice Concert anyways. Not all character involve but there's some are really cool. Main actor Kurosaki Ichigo has the longest script to memorize . You guy's should have watch it. Anyway time for me to go bed now . Adious.