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Dustin Kim - It's The Weekend

Monday, May 26, 2008


Something to share with u guys out there.

What is stress?

We are all familiar with the word "stress". Stress is when you are worried about getting laid off your job or your studies .A major source of stress is overdriving yourself. Sooner or later, the energy drain on your system will cause the body to fall behind in its repair work. There will not be enough time or energy for the body to fix broken cells, or replace used up brain neurotransmitters. CHANGES will occur in your body's internal environment. You will "hit the wall," "run out of gas". If you continue, permanent damage may be done. The body's fight to stay healthy in the face of the increased energy that you are expending is major stress.

Causes of stress.

Listing the causes of stress is tricky. There can be innumerable stress factors since different individuals react differently to the same stress conditions. Extreme stress situations for an individual may prove to be mild for another, for yet another person the situations might not qualify as stress symptoms at all. Stress is often termed as a twentieth century syndrome, born out of man's race towards modern progress and its ensuing complexities. For that matter, causes such as a simple flight delay to managing a teenage child at home can put you under stress. A stress condition can be real or perceived. Yet, our brain reacts the same way to both causes of stress by releasing stress hormones equal to the degree of stress felt. The brain doesn't differentiate between real and imagined stress. It could happen while watching a horror movie or when one is apprehensive of some imminent danger.

Why is there more stress today?

Numerous surveys confirm that adult perceive they are under much more stress than a decade or two ago. Stress levels have escalated in children, teenagers, college students and the elderly for other reasons, including: increased crime, violence and other threats to personal safety; pernicious peer pressures that lead to substance abuse and other unhealthy life style habits; social isolation and loneliness; the erosion of family and religious values and ties; the loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress busters. As you can see stress nowadays causes Hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, ulcers, neck or low back pain and other "Diseases of Civilization".

How can stress cause so many diseases?

Many of these effects are due to increased sympathetic nervous system activity and an outpouring of adrenaline and other stress-related hormones.
Certain types of chronic and more insidious stress due to loneliness, poverty, bereavement, depression and frustration due to discrimination are associated with impaired immune system resistance to viral linked disorders. Research in these areas may help to explain how stress can contribute to depression, anxiety and its diverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract, skin and other organs.

Ways to reduce stress

Firstly work on your attitude by changing the way you think, viewing a difficult assignment at work and discomfort to a life of challenging and excitement. Secondly, think positive by thinking about a success or a past achievement. Take a mental vacation.
Thirdly, count to ten by making a habit of pausing and relaxing just for a few seconds before responding to your daily routine. Take a deep breath. Belly breathing is what some people call it. It’s an useful trick for defeating anxiety and nervousness. The correct way to breathe? Abdominally feeling the stomachs expand as you inhale and collapse as you exhale. Try to yell or cry. Screaming or crying can provide a release for the emotions generating the stress you’re feeling. Tune in the music. Music soothes as perhaps nothing else does. You can use it in two basic ways to relax or to inspire.

P/s : If you guys find this article is belongs to you please do notice me because I forgot where I get this article.

Friday, May 23, 2008


这几天都觉得很烦, 也许是应为温习时间越来越短吧,或者是家里的某些方面影响到。有时还花了很长时间读会同样的东西。 救命啊~!!

真的很失望,失望我有这所谓的哥哥。人生活了整整20多年,还真的没戴脑做人。不管是做什么事都马马虎虎的,没可能把东西做好来的。他总是多管闲事,把本来不关他的事都当成他的事。这一点我就不再补充,你明我明就好。多管闲事还不止,他的插话技术他认第二没人敢认第一。明明在跟爸爸讲着话,他偏偏插过来;我也没话讲了。讲他不爽,劝他不听,近期还说去面试;我看死他找到工了可以维持多久。 买新车叫他贴P有这么难吗?很丢脸吗 ? 新车不到一星期就撞人家的车门,还赔人Rm450 差点惹大架。如果这世界没有法律,如果我有一把枪,我一早就把他杀死。


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Laugh till Your Stomach Burst !

Well here are the videos that I want to share with you guys. Enjoy

and I found this video quite interesting. I mean I like the way he play that song =).

Hope you like it. Good Night ~

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dizzy ~

Yesterday feel dizzy before I go to bed and when I wake up today I feel like lost of balance. I can't even walk straight like I wanted to. Feel like vomiting maybe due to lack of sleep and been very tired these few days. But I still manage to attend class today.

After class me and Chee Jong went to Summit as he want to buy comics back. After back from Summit, it's already 4:20pm if not mistaken. The weather was HOT this week, try to think that indoor temperature was like 32.5-32.9 degrees, outdoor weather will reach how high. To solve all the thirstiness, I decide to squeeze out all the juice from Oranges that is bought by my mom few days ago. Here are the end result.

Orange Juice

Recommendation : Serve Cold

Don't jealous ya, If you want it squeeze it yourself =)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tired and Sleepy...


Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes for Fun

Attended T5 class today with Mr.Jay . Quite tiring and sleepy after back home. Hope I could see things with my eye close but it is impossible for me to do that. This is the 3rd time I made changes on this post because it started to pissed me when I don't get my post complete for so many times and I hope this post works. Feel like cursing now because of this matter. Right then I will try to recall as much thing as possible to type out because only small proportions appear in the post.

Tomorrow class gonna be a long day because class starts at 830 in the morning and end 630 in the evening. It doesn't makes much differences because today class only end slightly early than it is scheduled. Eventhough Im super tired and sleepy right now, my eye couldn't open any wider now but still cant excuse myself for not doing Mr.Jay homework. About tomorrow small test I can study tomorrow cause it not much a thing actually according to Mr.Jay. I think I'll stop here because I come here just to post something out.

酸酸的味道 就是幸福的预告
我喜欢你 想大声的炫耀
甜甜的味道 就像飘浮的气泡
你说爱我 让全世界知道

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day !!

Today 11/5/2008 is World Wide Mother's Day if not mistaken..right.. I did not wish my mom Happy Mother's Day, I did not say I Love You Mom to her BUT ! she know we love her =). We watched one Movie together though. That movie I can say quite funny, you guys can download or watch it online. The title of the movie is My DNA says I Love You. Anyway today's dinner didn't want her to cook and thought of tapao some nasi lemak or something but they didn't sell today sooo ~ end up buying KFC =).

I been gaming the whole week without touching any study material except for today, sort of read through the pocketnotes attached by Mr. Jay. So far I feel that the pocket notes is very useful. If you guys have not download the pocket notes you can get from our group blog. It already attached by Ding Yan. You guys can actually find out your own Exam Centre at MyACCA. After you log in into MyACCA press Print Duplicate Dockets to see your Exam Centre. Unfortunately my Exam Centre STILL at Seri Sedaya. Which it doesn't make any differences because both Sunway and Seri Sedaya also 20 minutes journey walk but of course I prefer having my exam at Sunway because that's my Home Centre XD.

This chorus is taken from a song called 分享 from 伍思凱. Eventhough this song is quite old but it is meaningful and quite nice to hear it. Hope you guys still remember this song. If you want this song I can send it to you just let me know at anywhere here or MSN.

與你分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有

至今我仍 深深感動



與你分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有

至今我仍 深深感動



Hate to use my Njstar Commuicator because have day delays which it screw everything up but still I need that.

天涯何处无芳草。但是我的芳草在哪里啊 ~ 芳草啊 芳草 你在哪里?