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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Plain and Boring Day

I watched Devil May Cry episode 1 yesterday, didn't know the story was that nice. For your information Devil May Cry is an anime, that based on the game. I downloading 极道学园 in english is Goku Dou Highschool ( if i not mistaken ) which is a Taiwan drama that talks about a book which is believe that is a dark magician book which contains alot of demons that if the person with the power to summon it and have the power to control over the demons and obtain a new power. The demon eventually will be slay by a some sort of demon slayer if not mistaken. I'll post the synopsis here, the synopsis only available in Chinese so I post the Chinese one here. I also posted a part of the actor and actress here.

( Click The Picture To Enlarge )

 黑武中學裡流傳著一項傳說:『巫術之書《格利莫里》已被邪鬼取得,用來召喚地獄的魔鬼,邪惡的勢力將會吞噬全人類,唯一能與之對抗的,就是傳說中的夜行者──火狼。』 火狼,一名冷酷無情的驅魔特警,得知邪鬼已入侵黑武中學後,火狼也悄然來到。而此刻,在校園裡,一連串網路恐怖小說的詛咒竟然一一成真,令人不寒而慄。據說小說作者『原田夜舞』正是黑武中學的學生,難道,一切與邪鬼的黑暗勢力有關?黑武中學就此籠罩在詛咒的烏雲之下,直到,帥氣的新教師『鷹眼』出現……  原來,鷹眼的雙親一年前離奇死亡,且過程竟與『原田夜舞』網路連載的恐怖小說完全吻合,於是鷹眼化身老師來到黑武中學臥底,誓言找出兇手。『原田夜舞』的真實身分正是黑武中學First Class的資優生,元神武。神的外在,是個有如天使般的男孩,幾乎是個完美的人類,但沒人知道,他無比孤獨的內在,是個充滿魔性的怪物。神祕的日籍轉學生『DEAN』有著謎樣的身世背景,不但頻頻躲過『原田夜舞』致命攻擊,加上神、DEAN與X班同學一毛的曖昧三角關係,嫉妒的惡火已熊熊燃起。  就這樣,新學期不平靜地開始了,鷹眼和神展開暗中對決,邪鬼也在虎視眈眈,一場正邪、明暗之間的戰爭已在所難免,單純的中學校園就要成為《格利莫里》72隻魔鬼重現的舞台,這場充滿著浪漫愛情、歡笑驚奇的魔幻之旅,也正式宣告展開………

Just can't wait the show to finish download.

Today, around 1pm I was watching Madagascar suddenly I receive a call from a certain station which I can't really sure which because the operator line was like kinda blur. They start with a handphone survey just 2 simple question and after I finish the survey, I were told to be invited to a certain show as a guest. She gave me the tickets number but the information was too blur and of course who know if it's a prank or what, so I told them that I might not attend and she asked me to watch NTV7 on Thursday at 6:30pm. As I know 6:30 pm NTV7 should be broadcasting News. Well it might sounds cool if this really happen, let's thinks that I not missing anything cool or good but I don't really care by now just see what happen on thursday then. Been studying KPP undang thingie and I think I will do the test on Friday or on Thursday I don't know let's see what happen next la then. Ciaoz

1 Paws:

Janus995 said...

Wow the girl in the 4th picture not bad. Cute eyes.