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Dustin Kim - It's The Weekend

Monday, May 26, 2008


Something to share with u guys out there.

What is stress?

We are all familiar with the word "stress". Stress is when you are worried about getting laid off your job or your studies .A major source of stress is overdriving yourself. Sooner or later, the energy drain on your system will cause the body to fall behind in its repair work. There will not be enough time or energy for the body to fix broken cells, or replace used up brain neurotransmitters. CHANGES will occur in your body's internal environment. You will "hit the wall," "run out of gas". If you continue, permanent damage may be done. The body's fight to stay healthy in the face of the increased energy that you are expending is major stress.

Causes of stress.

Listing the causes of stress is tricky. There can be innumerable stress factors since different individuals react differently to the same stress conditions. Extreme stress situations for an individual may prove to be mild for another, for yet another person the situations might not qualify as stress symptoms at all. Stress is often termed as a twentieth century syndrome, born out of man's race towards modern progress and its ensuing complexities. For that matter, causes such as a simple flight delay to managing a teenage child at home can put you under stress. A stress condition can be real or perceived. Yet, our brain reacts the same way to both causes of stress by releasing stress hormones equal to the degree of stress felt. The brain doesn't differentiate between real and imagined stress. It could happen while watching a horror movie or when one is apprehensive of some imminent danger.

Why is there more stress today?

Numerous surveys confirm that adult perceive they are under much more stress than a decade or two ago. Stress levels have escalated in children, teenagers, college students and the elderly for other reasons, including: increased crime, violence and other threats to personal safety; pernicious peer pressures that lead to substance abuse and other unhealthy life style habits; social isolation and loneliness; the erosion of family and religious values and ties; the loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress busters. As you can see stress nowadays causes Hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, ulcers, neck or low back pain and other "Diseases of Civilization".

How can stress cause so many diseases?

Many of these effects are due to increased sympathetic nervous system activity and an outpouring of adrenaline and other stress-related hormones.
Certain types of chronic and more insidious stress due to loneliness, poverty, bereavement, depression and frustration due to discrimination are associated with impaired immune system resistance to viral linked disorders. Research in these areas may help to explain how stress can contribute to depression, anxiety and its diverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract, skin and other organs.

Ways to reduce stress

Firstly work on your attitude by changing the way you think, viewing a difficult assignment at work and discomfort to a life of challenging and excitement. Secondly, think positive by thinking about a success or a past achievement. Take a mental vacation.
Thirdly, count to ten by making a habit of pausing and relaxing just for a few seconds before responding to your daily routine. Take a deep breath. Belly breathing is what some people call it. It’s an useful trick for defeating anxiety and nervousness. The correct way to breathe? Abdominally feeling the stomachs expand as you inhale and collapse as you exhale. Try to yell or cry. Screaming or crying can provide a release for the emotions generating the stress you’re feeling. Tune in the music. Music soothes as perhaps nothing else does. You can use it in two basic ways to relax or to inspire.

P/s : If you guys find this article is belongs to you please do notice me because I forgot where I get this article.

0 Paws: