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Dustin Kim - It's The Weekend

Friday, April 18, 2008

Headache and Dizzy

Today supposingly to be a study day, but maybe my brain goes on vacation or on leave 'he' doesn't want to receive anything from outside. I still force myself to read some only small amount of thing goes in.

That give me a big headache and feel dizzy.

While reading half way, someone ring my doorbell and at first I thought it was my mom because she went to Pyramid with her friends. So I quickly get to the door and found no one, I know someone is playing with the doorbell and I don't see anyone going down the stairs so i assume that the person who played my doorbell is still inside the building or staircase.Feeling so frustrated and pissed that time because I don't like being interupt in this way. Few minutes later, my doorbell rang again. No one is there as I expected, so I went to the balcony and wait the 'culprit'. There is 3 indian kid age ranging 5-6 perhaps which I never seen them before in my life, most probably they from other side of apartment. Then after I yelled at them and one of them ratted his friend. Well the one who ratted his friend keep on apologize and apologize but I still scold them for a little while before I let them go. Don't ever let me see you 3 playing my doorbell again, or else it will lead to a bad ending.

我心一千个愿意 我知不可有下次 
从前没法置信我会碰上小天使 原谅我爱上你 
恕我现在极失仪 祈求没有介意 我太快乐不可压止
我心一千个愿意 我知不可有下次 
凡尘俗世里会有你这个小天使 为了爱你到永远
日夜地坚持 完全为了你奋斗 我盼会得到你心意

Back to Study now~

0 Paws: