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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pikom PC Fair

Well this round Pikom PC Fair is not much a thing. The only thing different thing is that it is more people and usual and their booth is smaller I dont know why. KLCC parking is totally full and the traffic was bad. My dad bought a Printer and I have to pull the trolly all the way. Some idiots just don't care what you carrying they just cut you or just bang you. I was pulling the trolly and some idiot just won't give way. Some is considered atleast give way for me. I was pissed that time and keep complaining this and that to my dad. Wuahhh ~ I tell my dad if I'm out of tempered I will just bang the front fellas with the printer trolly.

As I say just now, there is nothing much there I really mean it. As in Show Girl are not as pretty as last time, not as much as last time. That's my 2nd objective when I go to PC Fair. Right after my dad bought a printer from SAMSUNG we went to our dealer shop to buy only pendrive I can say. Doesn't get much stuff there only few items. This is what I get from PC Fair today.

Lego kind of Pendrive 4GB Kingston

Got very tension from a woman that getting her redemption at PIKOM redemption booth. Getting the redemption doesn't satisfy her, Oh My God !! She some more ask so many things and request for change colour =.= it just a paper stand thingy no need so picky lah. She doesn't know other people waiting for the redemption thing and take so long time to fill up the forms and ask so many question. Zzz I only take 1 minutes or so to fill up my form and get my redemption gift and go off. Well then will update when I free =)

0 Paws: