Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas !!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Kek Seii ~ !! Wuuu Ahhh ~~
Monday, December 8, 2008
Today Is D Day !
Thursday, November 20, 2008
解脱 Day 8 Last Day
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time : 1.16AM
Name : Joey Fung
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 10-11 i think
Where do you live : Sunway Area
Favourite breakfast : Roti Canai
Fallen asleep in school : Not really
Broken someones heart : Nope
Fell off your chair : Nope
Saved e-mails : Yeap but putting it in inbox, any undelete emails is what I saved XD
What's right beside you : Comp desk or Bed
What is the last thing you ate : Dinner lor ~ rice with roasted duck
Ever had
Stitches : Nope
Broken nose : Nope
Talk to someone you like : Nope
Get sick : Nope
Talked to an ex : Nope
Miss someone : Hmm ~ Tricky question I miss my friend HAHA !!
Who do you really hate : I hate this person from the day I know him. Not telling you
Q :Is there a person who is on your mind right now : Not really
Q : Do you want children : Yeap in near future
Q : Do you smile often : I do, Be Happy =)
Q : Do you like your hand-writing : Nope,Hate it
Q : Are your toenails painted : NO ~ I don't pain my toenails =.=
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday : Meetoto-ing ?
Q: When did you cry last : Last day of National Service
Q: Are you a friendly person: No doubt =)
Q: Do you have any pets : Yeap, 1 terrier mix poodle
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now : In their house ?
Did the last person you held hands with you mean anything to you now? : I never held anyone hands before.
Do you sleep with the TV on? : Nope
What are you doing right now? : Doing this Tag
Have you ever crawled through a window? : Nope
Can you handle the truth? : No problem
Are you closer to your mother or father? : hmm. good question.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? : National Service Friends
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? : I'll keep quiet and listens to music
Are you confident?: Nope
1. Playing computer games I guess.
1. Boring chores.
2. Feel Freedom
1. Chipster
3. Peanuts
1. 1st thing to do is migrate to somewhere away from Malaysia and migrate to some peaceful country without any natural disaster
2. Buy Properties
5. Donate lor ~
1. Home
2. My grandpa house
4. Lighthouse
1. Fixing Computer ?
2. Thomson Reuter - Sweet and Maxwell Asia
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
被放飞机的一天 Day 7
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
我和卤鸭饭的约会 Day 6
Monday, November 17, 2008
习惯的一天 Day 5
上天为何赐我一个没脑袋的哥哥啊 ?有脑袋是生在屁股吗? 神啊~救救我吧 !! 我不可以跟这个白痴在一起生活啦~ 妈~请你享受了马上回来,我要搬家。谢谢
If I don't sleep now, I will eat supper. Gahh hungry..I go bed now.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
快餐的一天 Day 4
Whole house like I manage nia, no one ever helps me do even 1 thing. Everything I need to do it by myself. Better still if they helps me, they will only burden me and gave me more work. I might as well do all the thing by myself and have no complaint about my work. Felt pissed when they can help lighten your burden and they are not doing it. I don't wanna talk about this anymore. Life sucks with a useless brother, how I wish I have a little sister. Well all the tired and stress I can only release it at Meetoto. Singing is also a way of release stress, not only singing actually going online at meetoto can find friends to chat wih. It doesn't mean you have to tell them your problem, it just that normal chit chat already enough to make you happy.
To do list :
Sweep and Mop Floor
Wash Clothes
I wonder what else I can do tomorrow..normal thing I guess washing dirty plates and preparing food for my dog ?or maybe I just let him have his dry feed.
Feels like singing this song 陈奕迅 - 浮夸 is so much challenging and this song I think is the most effective release stress de song ba ~ hahaha !! People who know this song know what I mean =) I need to sleep now ciaoz !
Friday, November 14, 2008
太阳和雨天 Day 3
Yawn ~ my eye lid are heavy, vision became blurrer ~I need to sleep now. So Cya ~
袋鼠很忙 Day 2
To do list
Bath Dog
Cook for Dog
Wash Clothes
Study - finish up the remaining pocket notes.
Daddy not coming back today (past 12) after work. Well dinner have to order delivery =). Gonna make sure tomorrow a sunny day better a hawt 1 because I need those shirt to dry !! No more rainy day please.
Never been this busy in my life, 24 hours a day is not enough for me and I felt dizzy yesterday (past 12) maybe because I don't have enough sleep and woke up early to send the screw up LCD to repair.
Mom call just now and she say Shanghai is a nice place to go. Having her in China it's like reaching enlightenment ~ no more nagging and complain bout the endless chores this and that. Frankly speaking having a small house is not a bad thing tho ~ atleast you don't have to sweep and mop that much.
I think I gonna sleep now. Better be a Sunny day or else Imma gonna cry. Btw yesterday whole day Lemon Tree and 鸭子 thanks to someone =) I mean meetoto. Alright I'll stop here.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
妈妈启程 Day 1 Part 2
Tomolo or can I say it's today coz past 12 gonna be a busy busy day. I didn't manage to help my dog bath because of the weather. He might get cold and wet towel will not dry. Decided to bath him today, mop the floor and cleaning the ceiling fan dust. That is the least I must do and you know those other small thing ~ like plate washing this and that. Must finish the chores as soon as possible so I can relax XD. RIght Tomolo gonna wake up early to do something so, will update pretty soon.
Mom safely reach China and I bet she's sleeping right now since she's been going through so many things after arrival. Hope that she have fun there and stop worrying about the house right now. Everything is just gonna be FINE =). Cya ! gonna go bed now ~
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
妈妈启程 Day 1
Went to watch High School Musical today with Jong, Darren, Jodie, Rayven and Yan. Overall that movie was okay. I give a rating for 3.5/5 , rating might be low because the 1st and 2nd I never even bother to watch last time. This is what I think only and you know I like those horror movies with alot of scary part that makes girl scream. XD This is what I call Excitement.
Today, my mom will be leaving Malaysia and fly to China Shanghai for about 7-8 days. During this few days, it's gonna be a busy period for me where I need to do all the chores by myself. I ain't worry bout that because I can handle it by myself. Well life goes not without mama for few days haha !!
Is good to have a break where you can go out/travel with your friends and away from the routine work. Worth it since she always complaint that she doesn't have time travel and always talks about the endless chores that she need to do. I won't guarantee the house will be as clean as it should be but I'll try my best. LOL ~ no joke mahn ~ I'mma gonna become a 'maid' for a week ? Doing those chores and stuff like that ? Cook for my dog and for me as well. Dinner is definitely tapao one and I don't really think I going to eat noodles everyday. Induction cooker is so easy to use, not just induction I can even use the stove if I wanted to. Might have problem when washing the wok =.= since the basin is gone.
Now only me and my dog will be at home from morning till evening ? I can do whatever thing I want man after I finish all my chores LOL ~ e.g. Meetoto whole day ? Scream and Shout freely ? Owning 2 home and feel the emptiness of the house =.=. Gonna bath my dog todays so REALLY GOT ALOT OF THINGS TO DO !! GAHH ~~
It's late now, I bet my mom already met her friends and on the way to the airport ? hmm..I should sleeping by now. My work here is done =) thanks for my dog for accompanying me also, he never sleep LOL !! He gonna miss my Mom lottzz ~
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I'm So so soooo ~ Happy
I wonder how many times they pose for this picture XD
Me and Rayven
Jodie and Me
Me and Mae Yan
Me and Chin Yew
Kenny and Me
Aiya didn't take with Chee Jong tim, nevermind la. We got group de =)
Presenting HanaGamo Enterprise [Girl]
Like this pic eventhough is a little blur
HanaGamo Enterprise [Guy]
Chee Jong, Kenny and Me
Will try to get more pics from others =).
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I felt damn old now ~ 19 years old liao..Thank you all who wishes me today, really appreciate to have a friend like you people =). Not forgetting people who help me throw a birthday celebration for 2 years
Well I received this souvenir from Mae Yan on last Friday. Look at what she gave mee ~ A display guitar with my name on it ~~ ahhhh ~ so nicee ><
I'm Touched ~Thanks Mahn~ Love you guys =)
Friday, October 31, 2008
总在黎明来临 之前 我还是清醒
总在黎明来临 之前 我还是清醒
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Mock Ends ~
When doing the MOCK exam I felt like sort of relax and not so stressful I can say compare to last time I do my T8 Mock under MR.ROBERT that good for nothing old bag who own his own Audit Firm and lecturing our class and in the end nothing comes out from a 'good input' that leads to a bad output. Fine let just forget bout past and talk about present or future ? XD
Feels so light when I finish my Mock exam, overall I think it was okay ? Pt2 I feels OK but not that OK.. maybe mock will be better because MR.Jay says he will set easy question so call T8 standard XD. I write what I know and waffle what I don't HAHA !! Results have to wait till my next class which is my EDC/EFC class that falls on NOV 24th-26th.
Well that company calls me before MOCK exam, she then need to get 2 person to work for them on friday, require atleast 1 girl if possible. That fills up Jodie place and 1 more empty space so I want it because I kinda broke haha ~ so umm still discuss with them. After Mock we went to 3k to play badminton, then when I confirm with her, she said she need one more person then kok wai earlier he let the place for me cause earlier I say I want ma ~ then now got 1 more space den put him in lor + I have transport to go work now. If Kok Wai / Chee Jong din go le, then I have to walk there by myself aka Bus No.11 .
It was rather weird because normally when we play badminton, on the spot I will feel exhausted and tiring but seems like that day I don't feel the effect of any muscle pain and all sort of crap but after 2 days, I feel slight muscle pain. Not too bad paying RM20 for 3 court XD playing for like 2 and half hours.
On Tuesday, we do Stock Count and on Friday we do Stock Take. Wow there's a book exhibition or something at KLCC, 300 books need for the exhibition. We then locate the book from the computer accordingly from the list given by the storekeeper. While checking for location, we found out some errors done by the other team XD. e.g Quantity is there but location not written. One thing that I don't like is the other team key in the location in small letter but I think that's still OK can accept just a little umm not happy looking small letter there HAHA !! XD
When all the book is located, we all have to find it from racks or even bulk store by shifting the book from floor to chairs to reach the books. Quite impresive to see the Jr.Storekeeper to locate the missing location books because he only work for bout 7 months. Books that are needed for the exhibition piles up like a mountain in just a few minutes and there is still more to go. I see the Jr.Storekeeper busying packing the books not even half of it, another pile comes in and we really don't know where to put it because there is no extra spaces for us to put the book anymore.
I will have to thank whoever the one who treat us the lunch and teabreak. Eventhough I don't know who are you, most probably the Trade Sales Manager I guess. After lunch, we receive command from the storekeeper to put in some new updates for the book inside the bulk store. Not long there is Auditor from UK lead by company staff showing around the place to the auditor. Sounds cool huh ? That's my future HAHA !! =) =X Then I saw the Jr.Storekeeper eating inside the store, poor him he don't even have time to go out and eat. Perhaps he need to take care of the store and not leaving the store without supervision.
Updating the books causes confusion among us and the Storekeeper. There is alot of Release update and there is the instruction for which update is needed and which is not. Wow, it started that we all have confuse and even messing up the papers on the tables. Right then we got it right and still there is some problems like missing pages and so on.
Now staying at home is kind of bored, because some game not running that it suppose to be and quite lazy to watch TV because my dad shifted the TV to next house.
Something bothers me since the day I 1st work till now and I'm thinking how to solves it. Haih ~ What should I do ? Well better leave it to myself then is P&C afterall. Goood nite people.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
1st time working
People who went to work includes Jodie, Me, Chee Jong, Kok Wai and Chin Han. Due to transport problem, I have to get a free ride from someone who possess a transport. Reached there early but Jodie is kind of late but right on time =). We welcome by 2 staff and they show us around the place office, warehouse etc. Then a Trade Sales Manager have a brief with us to assign us the job and tell us what to do.
Well when we reach there we saw a girl sitting on the chair and looks like she'll be joining us also so that makes us 6 person and seperates to 3 teams to do the job. Eventually me and Jodie in a team, Chee Jong and Chin Han and lastly Kok Wai and that girl.
When work starts, Kok Wai team is the 1st to complete their task and we all like WTF ~ so fast ? then we have a look at their store rack which half empty rack. No Wonder so fast can finish counting and key in to the laptop. XD Then followed by Chee Jong team then finally my team =.=. I don't why know I'm the last team to finish maybe mine have more titles to check and to key in plus there is a lot book that is not organised properly like this book should be at this location but gone to the others. It happens FEW times that I have to re-arrange the book and placing it by moving the books from the shelf and put in back. I think that's why we are the slowest among them.
We had our lunch break at 12++ where they tapao chicken rice for us. How nice it was for free and we have our lunch at one of the meeting room near the door to the office. We all felt so paiseh bout it because the meeting room has a big see through glass and passbyer or other staff might just look at us eating our lunch. HAHA !! We also have a small tea break after 2 hrs after the lunch break.I've thought we need to pay for lunch. By right we should pay for our own expenses instead they pay for us and buy us food for tea break.
After checking the 1st area of rack, the others already counting the other stores with even more Boxes of books. I'm the last team to assist them since my area of counting is so slow >.< .
Sharp 6pm we receive our pay in cash. We actually finished our work a bit early and just have to save the file and hand the laptop back to the person. Well 10 hrs of works get pay for 80 ringgit, I think is pretty worth if let say you worked for a month 30 days so totalling to 2400 ringgit per month ? lol don't sue me for being so picky for the numbers I know they don't do stock count everyday lol..I just giving example.
Overall it was fun, we have fun when we doing our job. Flexible and the most important thing is we Enjoy the work. It's not about 80ringgit matters, it was a good experience for me to have OFFICIALLY work for the first time. Helping dad fixing computer I don't consider it is a work for me because it's more like family business or something like that which it does not counted as a work. HAHA !! because ur superior is your dad, ur dad can't be scolding you for work not done or something.
At first what's in my mind was, earning money from other people is not an easy task. The worst case was to count the stock where I needed to use stairs to reach them. HAHA !! but luckily reality is much more easier.
The most important thing that I want to mention is all the staff in the company is Super Friendly and Super Helpful eventhough the storekeeper have his own time watching anime while we doing our work and he real can sleep.HAHA !! no offence la ~ His the man who in charge for the store, not saying his procastinating but umm just don't really have much things to do when someone doing the stock count.
It is good to work in this environment provided they treat us ( temp staff ) as permanent staff ? something like that. Those who work together with me know what I mean. =). Hope I still have chance working with them together with my friends again.
Mock is just 1 day ahead and I didn't really revise my book. I didn't do well in my PT2 but I hope I can get a better results for MOCK and be more hardworking towards FINAL. Study is a MUST do thing but don't forget to take a break to rest yourself to avoid excessive of information and mental block. =)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Worst Steamboat EVER !!
I tell you there is 1 steamboat restaurant is the worst steamboat restaurant I ever go which is TASTY POT STEAMBOAT RESTAURANT !! It may be looks crowded, thing may looks delicious but I tell you, you will regret going there.
Me and my dad thought of going out eating and he wants to eat steamboat, so like what he said that steamboat restaurant is quite crowded so we went there. Met Kok Wai when I taking the food. This restaurant has the worse service among the other steamboat restaurant at the dataran menteri sunway there.
1st they serve us 1 pot of tea, a normally small sized teapot only able to fill 2 glass of tea. After that we asked them to refill for us but we ask them for few times, finally they take away the teapot. We thought they will refill for us but we waited quite long any still the teapot haven't send back. Screw it then, we ordered 2 cup of tea and yet they still haven't serve us the tea.
After that, some supervisor people walking around checking the tables and all that, and informed the other person to settle few tables which my tables is under HER service. You know what ? The supervisor just walk away and she pretending like nothing happen and do other thing. Not only my table have problem, other tables also facing the same fuck up problem. What is this ? What kind of service is this ? I don't get what I paid for =.= .. Seriously screw this restaurant, this is THE FIRST AND THE LAST TIME I ever go to that restaurant. I won't even go if it offers me for Free.
1 more thing is the seafood are not all fresh. Suck ~ !! Wonder how it survive till now. Zzz listen to my advice don't ever go there, but if you wanna try I can't stop you.
When Sore Throat Meets Joey
On monday officially, I seriously feeling cold and dizzy in the morning but class still need to attend, so I ate a panadol to hold myself and went to class as usual. It was quite suck to sick at this timing because it's like near test or exam I will fall sick. I don't think is a stress situation for this and I think this is cause by the weather. Almost everyday it rains. Tuesday class still go on but slightly better, never see doctor cause I think I still be able to recover myself without any medication.
Sick still on to Wednesday and still I felt the sore throat is still there and it's slightly by day. I'm confidence that my antibody able to defend my immune system from sore throat. =) The reason that I don't wanna consult a doctor because I don't want to take antibiotic. If you can recover it by yourself, you wouldn't need anything to help you recover.
Cough for few days after sore throat now my sore throat is 90% recovery and as for my cough I think bout 70%. Been drinking cough medicine at night before sleep, what I can tell you that drinking that cough medicine will send you straight to bed after 30 minutes or so.
PT2 result still not out yet and I not sure how welli did on that paper. MOCK is just few days ahead and I still didn't really prepare for it. Started study but today not in a mood to study at all, maybe my concerntrate just now focus enough. It's been a long time we never go out, I hope after MOCK we can hang out together but not after FINAL. After FINAL we will sure be going out, it just that I feel that we need to hang out once in a while to have fun, relax and away from all the papers notes and textbook.
Few weeks ago, Mae Yan said we should have do something crazy and I think TEMPO game is quite nice to play if you know the rules for it. This may not be the crazy thing she mention but I think we can do this when we are together, it doesn't matter we have 6 person or more than that, more people more choices to pick. I have a clip here to share bout this TEMPO game, any suggestion after seeing the video please leave a comment at PAWS ( comment section ) or directly from Chatterbox.
Sometimes when I think of my NS life, I actually missed the good old time when we actually do things together, I may mention this before but still I wanna mention again. The song that composed by Izxen and 瑞豪, I will always remember. Here is the Lyrics for the song
作词: Izxen , 瑞豪 编曲: Izxen
你哭过了 是应为你觉得 孤单 别哭泣 别害怕
像哭过了 但并没有 只是感触 泛红了双眼
试试回想 七十日里 虽然辛苦 也充满了快乐
也许你不如此想 至少你懂得去珍惜 珍惜
我们陪你走到最后 应为你曾带给大家快乐
七十日虽然漫长 但一转眼就过了 wo~
你是否还记得 那走过的回忆
留在心里 我永远永远都挥散不去
七十日虽然漫长 但究竟还是要走 wo~
你是否还在这 听大家的歌声
说了再见 愿到永远都不变
七十日虽然漫长 但一转眼就过了 wo~
你是否还记得 那走过的回忆
留在心里 我永远永远都挥散不去
七十日虽然漫 但究竟还是要走 wo~
你是否还在这 听大家的歌声
说了再见 愿到永远都不变 都不变 ~
七十日虽然漫长 但一转眼就过了 wo~
你是否还记得 那走过的回忆
留在心里 我永远永远都挥散不去
七十日虽然漫 但究竟还是要走 wo~
你是否还在这 听大家的歌声
说了再见 愿到永远都不变
Well you people who never went to the camp you might think I'm crazy or something, is true I don't really like the overall activities but I enjoy knowing friends and slowly getting closer to each other like brothers and work as a company or a group together.
After NS life we hardly held a meeting, because everyone have his/her path to walk and everyone is busy work towards their aims and career. I will never forget the moment where we used to talk and laugh or even cry together eventhough we have our own aims and our path to walk on and I always hope you people out there stay healthy as always and together we works towards to our aim. Most importantly be happy.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tagged by Sze Jin, Chu Ying and Chee Jong
All Friend lurh ~
2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him ?
Sze Jin -
1. Sporty
2. Extreme frisbee player
3. Water tank ( no offence )
4. A person who like to sell friend XD
5. Will hit me when she see me HAHA !!
Chu Ying -
1. Love watching movies ~
2. Nice to chat with
3. Hardworking person =)
4. Like to stay at home ? XD
5. Like turtle very much ?
Chee Jong -
1. Sporty
2. Very careless always injure
3. Do everything also very serious
4. A very good friend
5. Like to help people
3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you
Both Girls - I think none lo..
Chee Jong - Calling me didi once LOL !
4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you
Both Girls - I think none also lo..
Chee Jong - helping me on me on my homework or revision i guess =)
5. If she/he became your lover, you will..
Sze Jin - commit suicide =X away coz she will sell me to someone ~
Chu Ying - duno le..coz she wont sell me so i won't run away hahah !!
Chee Jong - Wont la ! i not gay he not gay ! XD
6. If she/he become your enemy, you will..
Sze Jin - I will make her suffer when she see me HAHA !! =) *grins*
Chu Ying - will make her suffer also ? XD
Chee Jong - make him suffe also la LOL !! enemy what ! XD
( IF only laa ~ btw become enemy most likely also don't talk how to make people suffer ) XD
( This will not happen )
7. If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..
Sze Jin - Buying and selling friends matters ?
Chu Ying - Her mood ?
Chee Jong - Impossible la please..he wan I also dowan laa !! hahahha !!
8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is..
All - don't know le..either she/he pissed me off or i pissed her/him off LOL
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is ?
Sze Jin - Sell her to someone ? HAHA !! Revengeee ~ no la just kidding maybe hang out also ?
Chu Ying - Hang out ba ~
Chee Jong - Hang out together with friend also lu ~
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
Both Girls - Both girls also OK de =)
Chee Jong - He super OK de hahahha !!
11. How do you think the people around you feel about you ?
Comp freak ~ NO life ? ~ Nice person wahaha ~
12. The character of you for yourself is ?
I'm someone who prefer staying at home rather than going out. I must go online everyday no matter what, nothing fails me unless -comp spoil -internet down -power cut. Happy or Sad music will always be with me. =)
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is ?
Not being sporty and lazy.
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is ?
I guess having 6 pax lol ~ being hardworking and being sporty ? maybe without spec also =X
15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
Thanks you ? without them I wouldn't know I actually exist in this world. =) kekeke.. Those who care me I can feel, the one who likes me tell me if you do coz i won't know=)
Ten people to tag
1. Jong
2. Kenny
3. Jodie
4. Mae Yan
5. Rayven
6. Jacey
7. Chu Ying
8. Evelyn
9. Li Yun
10. Mae Ling
who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
I don't know
no.3 is a male or female ?
if no.7 and no.10 were together, would it be a good thing ?
no unless they are lesbian
no.5 and no.8 ?
no again unless they prefer same sex =X
what is no.1 studying about?
CAT lo !
is no.4 single ?
ya single
say something about no.6 ?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Random with a R
I finally found 1 show that can compare with 1 litre of tears le..real story also la because it's a show for 2 years and they finally graduate then the show ends.. actually i didn't watch the whole thing i mean for like 500++ episodes normally also watch it online because last time time clashes with my schedule and only few weeks started to watch and now they graduate feels like my entertaintment source reduce. Luckily some of them still acting and hosting some shows, after all their last episodes was quite sad and include some funny parts which makes u cry and laugh.
Still downloading some dramas and need to wait patiently because the download speed is SLOW !!! but is worth waiting la ! like I downloaded ZONE Final Concert..nothing to proud with I should have buy their DVD. Yeah so lucky no one saw me sobbing or something like that.
Crap got bitten by my dawg ~ got plaster around my finger =(
Suppose to wake up early in tomorrow morning to clean or have some business with my new house..but I'm still awake...guess I'll become working zombie then..
When is the next gathering ?? I seriously need to go out for a walk or something..I just feels like going out anyone ? XD =)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tagged by Mae Ling =)
RULE : Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits /things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.No TAG backs!
1. I hate theories.
2. I clean my ear wax everyday.
3. I'm scare of cockroach lol ~.
4. I will die without the internet.
5. I like pretty and cutes girls ? lol ~
6. ZONE is teh best eventhou already disbanded ~
7. Both my eye power totalled up to 1500k
8. I hate calling people jie jie, kor kor, ,mei mei and di di.
9. I misses NS life with friends.
10. I wish to be born with super natural power ( not flying or see thru vision )
11. I'm alergic of Alcohol > so don't call me sip or drink any.
12. 24 hours a day is not enough for me. =)
13. Textbook makes me sleepy.
14. I like horror stuff~ (ghostly stuff ~ )Video or books suits me well.
15. I just fooled few of my friends. Sorry my fellows Hanagamo's ~
Tag: All Hanagamo Members ( You know who you are )
答案揭晓 ~
Monday, September 22, 2008
Attention To All !!
The following items have been recalled due to china's milk situation. This is REAL.
1. M&M
2. Snickers
3. Mento's Yoghurt Bottle
4. Dove Chocolate
5. Oreo Wafer Sticks
6. Dutch Lady Sterilised Milk & Strawberry-flavoured Milk
7. Wall's all natural mango
8. Mini Poppers Ice Cream
9. Magnum Ice Cream
10. Moo Sandwich Ice Cream
11. Mini Cornetto
12. Youcan Ice Cream
13. White Rabbit Creamy Candy
14. Yili Brand Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt
We've been asked by ava to remove them from our stores. If you have any of these product in your house don't eat them. To prevent from poison and stuff, let's wait till the manufactures announce only eat ba ~.
Bugger I just bought 2 packets of M&M today receive such message. Ugh~ can see cannot eat. =X Pass on to other people who don't know this.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
National Day
Credit :
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I'm Exhausted
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tagged By Chee Jong
Remove one question from below and add in your own question,
make it a total 20 questions.
Then tag 8 people from your list.
List them out at the end of the post.
Notify them that they have been tagged.
1. At what age you wish to marry?
Around 28 baa..
2. Are you straight?
Ofcoz im Straight ! S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T i only like girls =.=
3. Do you smoke?
A NO will be the answer. why ? coz imma Anti Smoker and i Hate it.
4. What are the things i interest now??
More on ZONE eventhou they already disbanded.
5. List out two things that you'd like to do now.
Relax and becoming couch potato ~
6. How old are you?
1989 nov 8 count urself.
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?
Phone Credit T.T
8. Do you believe in love at first sight ?
I do believe but am I naive ?
9. Currently into?
Routine stuff nothing much online 24/7 a day without fail.
10. Getting married is going to heaven or grave?
Eveything have both effect good and bad you name it.
11. How many kids do you want?
2 i think is ideal 1 boy 1 girl or 2 boy also okay =) muz have son
12. Are you in love?
Not really..
13. Where is the latest restaurant you have dinner?
its been a very long time I didnt go out for dinner.
14. Name the latest book you bought?
None..I don't buy books =) except for textbook =.=
15. Do you believe in open book test?
Believe in open book test but i also believe the answer you won't find inside the book =)
16. Single or Attached?
Single and never attached =.= no one wants me..
17. Name the first person that comes into your mind now.
Can't think of any, too many liao =.=
18. The most exciting place you want to go?
Shooting range I wanna shoot again !!
19. Which quality is more important in a lover. Looks or personality?
For me, Personality is more important than looks. What for you get a pretty girl with a bad personality ?
20. Make 3 wishes?
I wish I could graduate in 4 years times from when I started my course.
I also wish that I can find my love one ( not being despo )
Last wish i keep for myself not revealing =) PEACE
1. Edgar
2. Jacey
3. Christine
4. Mae Ling
5. Chu Ying
6. Chee Ping
7. Sze Jin
8. Qing
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
我很无聊 !!
P/s : 无聊没事做,打了一大堆废话也没什么意义。觉得闷就请你按 Alt+F4吧。。。 都说无聊吗,还在读下去;你就像我一样这么无聊了。。晚安 !!
Examination Result
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mua Account
Friday, August 15, 2008
MSN got Hacked
Thursday, August 14, 2008
1st Neoprint
They use heck of time to edit the pictures and the timer stop at 060 which it means 60 seconds. While they editing, Me Kenny and Jong went to arcade centre ( forgot what leisure already , that doesn't important ) and play for half an hours I don't know didn't really record the time or something. From there you can see the girls take how long time to edit the pictures now..The end result was great eventhough I don't have time looking at it for this moment but I know the end result is great cause I notice while helping them cutting them in pieces.
Went to frisbee today as what the girls wishes, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ? hahha =) I'm totally fine with it cause I miss out the Tuesday one. Yan and Kenny didn't join us say need to meet someone. Back home at around 6.30pm and rest for 20 minutes and guess what ? I feel so exhausted and tired, that's not the point actually I felt so hot and keep on drinking water. Drinking water is good but the feeling like now you drink now the water drain just like that. Till I notice something HUALA !
Sunday, August 3, 2008
So Hawt !
I consider this as a temp disability. The 1st day my thumb got slam by the door I can't really move my hand because too pain !! Try imagine bathing with only 1 hand, do everything with 1 hand. =.= PAIN !! Luckily I'm a Righty and not Lefty, anyway I can't play Frisbee for this moment. I can't catch and play frisbee only using my right hand. Dang..zzzz I guess thats the cheapest way of having ur nail coloured in blue.
I think I will stop this long post here and I might not free to update so frequent. One more thing, for all the Viewers / Readers, Please Press the Advertisement if the Advertisement sections shows if there's any of them. =) Thank You !!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Total eclipse of the sun
Sounds Cool huh ~ Take a look at the pic where I grab it from YAHOO! NEWS

A solar eclipse, which the Chinese word for is 'Rishi', meaning 'eaten sun', can be seen above Jiayuguan Fort on the Great Wall of China in the town of Jiayuguan, Gansu Province August 1, 2008
How Pretty ~
The total solar eclipse is observed above the mountainous Siberian Altai region,_ about 3,000 kilometers (1,850 miles) east of Moscow, on Friday, Aug. 1, 2008
Credit To :
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
No Paint No Gain !







Wednesday, July 9, 2008
All About ZONE !


From Left to Right : Mizuho(Leader), Tomoka, Miyu and Maiko

Guitar and Vocals
Zodiac Sign :Taurus

Drums and Vocals, Leader
Blood Type : A
Height : 153cm


Guitar and Vocals, Former Leader (1999-2003)
Mr. Ominami Tadayuki, a representative of Sony Records, noticed that the crowd reaction to the debut concert was particularly enthusiastic. Back then, ZONE was solely concentrated on singing and dancing. Following his belief that ZONE had the makings of a hit, Tadayuki watched a live video of the band playing with instruments at the KomeKome Klub and felt that, due to the overabundance of dance groups, ZONE had the makings of a breakthrough act, providing they could play their instruments as well as sing and dance.
In late 2003, Takayo Ookoshi announced her graduation from ZONE to pursue her studies and has been since replaced by Tomoka Nishimura, one of the two original members cut from the band when they scaled from six members to four.
Between 1999 and 2005, ZONE released seventeen hit singles, three full lengths CDs, three DVDs, did commercials, and had their own television special, in addition to attending high school. They all graduated.
ZONE officially disbanded on April 1, 2005, after playing their final concert at Nippon Budokan.
believe in love (Indies Single)
GOOD DAYS (2001/02/07)
大爆発 NO.1 (2001/05/23) Dai Bakuhatsu NO.1
secret base ~君がくれたもの~ (2001/08/08) Secret Base ~Kimi ga Kureta Mono~
世界のほんの片隅から (2001/11/14) Sekai No Hon No Katasumi Kara
夢ノカケラ・・・ (2002/02/14) Yume No Kakera
一雫 (2002/07/17) Hito-shizuku
証 (2002/09/26) Akashi
白い花 (2002/11/27) Shiroi Hana
true blue/恋々・・・ (2003/04/16) True Blue/Renren...
H・A・N・A・B・I ~君がいた夏~ (2003/07/30) H.A.N.A.B.I ~Kimi ga Ita Natsu~
僕の手紙 (2003/10/29) Boku No Tegami
卒業 (2004/02/04) Sotsugyō
太陽のKiss (2004/06/02) Taiyō No Kiss
glory colors ~風のトビラ~ (2004/08/04) Glory Colors ~Kaze No Tobira~
笑顔日和 (2005/03/09) Egao Biyori
Z (2002/02/14)
O (2002/11/27)
ASTRO Girlz & Boyz (2003/07/16)
N (2004/02/18)
E ~Complete A side Singles~(2005/04/13)
ura E~Complete B side Melodies~ (2006/04/19)
ZONE CLIPS 01 ~Sunny Side~ (2003/10/29)
ZONE CLIPS 02 ~Forever Side (2004/03/17)
ZONE TV special "ユメハジマッタバカリ" DVD edition (2004/09/29)
ZONE CLIPS 03 ~2005 卒業~ (2005/05/18)
ZONE FINAL in 日本武道館 2005/04/01 ~心を込めてありがとう~ (2005/06/22) ZONE FINAL LIVE in NIPPON BUDOKAN
Their 6th single “Hitoshizuku” was used as a theme song of the Japanese release of “Ice Age”. Next came “Akashi”, a dark rock song about feeling lost in the world. This showed ZONE’s versatility as a band. These two songs, along with another single, “Yume no Kakera”, were contained on their 2nd album “O”, which was released at the end of 2002.
In February of 2005, ZONE officially announced that they were disbanding. The reason was not because of artistic differences or catfights or loss of popularity, they simply wanted to explore options for their futures. That’s a pretty acceptable reason, as at that time 3 of the members had just graduated from high school and one had yet to graduate! ZONE’s final single “Egao Biyori” was released in March and soon a best hits compilation, “E”, was put together.